If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Matthew 17:20
When trials and tribulations come forth, it can be very easy to lose sight of the wonderful God we serve.
We may be fasting, praying and remaining steadfast in our love to God, yet these temptations still arise.
We must not lose faith during these times of temptations, continue to remain joyful and hopeful through the storm, knowing that these times of hardship will lead to an inexpressible joy in this life, or in the next.
Don’t think God has left you because he has not answered your prayer in the way you have intended.
So often when we pray to God, we shift the prayer to our own selfish needs instead of fully submitting to the mercy of God. “God I know you are with me if I get this job.” “Lord, I know you favour me, so allow me to make the team.”
Instead, our prayer should be geared towards submitting to God’s abundant grace for our lives. We know what we want, but God knows what we need.
During the current times of conflict that the world is facing, we should allow God to have His way in the world and have enough faith to know that “all things are working together for our good.” (Romans 8:28)
Lord Jesus, I submit myself fully to You.
I know that You are always working in my life, whether I can feel it or not; whether I can see it or not.
I pray that Your Holy Spirit will fill me with the grace to be faithful to the end, just as Your Son Jesus was faithful to the point of death.
Help me to not focus on my own personal wants, but allow me to fully understand that Your grace is sufficient for my life, and all the current trials and tribulations I am suffering will lead to an inexpressible joy in my life.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my love,