I am the Lord. You must not exploit or rob your neighbour. You must not keep back the labourer’s wage until next morning.

You must not curse the dumb, nor put an obstacle in the blind man’s way, but you must fear your God. I am the Lord.  

You must not be guilty of unjust verdicts. You must neither be partial to the little man nor overawed by the great; 

Leviticus 19:12-15

Come Holy Spirit of God and explain to us what The Father is saying today. Amen.

God has a heart for the poor, oppressed and needy. A heart filled with love for them.

He is a God Who is full of compassion.

That word, “compassion” is such a subtle and yet powerful word.

Compassion means “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others”.

For God it is more than a pity party as people would call it.

It’s a call to action.

God wants our hearts to be moved in such a way, that we act with goodness overflowing from our hearts into the lives of others.

In our day and age, where individualism is taking over care for the needs of others, this is becoming even harder. We need grace! Super abundant grace of the Holy Spirit!

I need grace! I need grace to see who around me needs my help.

It’s scary to know that I have become indiffirent to the needs to others and more often than I would like to admit, I have become unwilling or reluctant to help others on God’s own terms!

And what are God’s own terms? He explains them very clearly to us today in the meditation from Leviticus.

Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 25:31-46) spells things out very clearly so that we don’t have any form of confusion.

In this Gospel, He tells us that He is coming again as Judge and will separate the sheep (meek followers) from the goats (stubborn ones).

The criteria for His judgment? Our works of mercy (a.k.a. charity and more importantly known as love).

Yes, works of love.

Did I give food to the hungry? Did I give drink to the thirsty? Did I welcome the stranger? Did I clothe the naked? Did I visit the sick and imprisoned?

Wow! My answers to these shake me to my core. LORD, have mercy on me!


LORD Jesus, my life today is far from being deeply charitable.

I am sorry LORD. I have allowed myself to be pre-occupied with myself.

My own cares, concerns, considerations, and have been blinded by the need for me to be truly compassionate as You are.

I repent LORD.

I repent because I know others have a need that I can help to fulfil and I have been adamant to do so.

Until now!

Yes LORD, now is the acceptable time, this is the day of salvation. When you call me again back to re-orient myself and reroot myself in the truth of Your Gospel message.

I choose to obey You.

Lead me into paths of true compassion demonstrated by my actions that my life will truly display Your love for all people and especially for the poor, needy and oppressed.

Amen! Come LORD JESUS!

Always & Forever,

To The LAMB,

With all my

07 March 2022

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