And when the messengers got back to the house they found the servant in perfect health.
Luke 7:10
This verse of St Luke’s Gospel is from the encounter Jesus had with the faith of the centurion.
I say the faith of the centurion because the Gospel makes it clearly known to us that the centurion sent emissaries to Jesus.
He didn’t come in person to meet Jesus, neither did He bother Jesus to come into his house for he said, he was not worthy.
Just think about this for a moment.
If you had the opportunity for Jesus to visit your home, especially to heal the sick, what would you do?
For me, I’ll be like St Peter who asked Jesus to not only was his legs but also his hands and head (see John 13:8-9).
Yet this centurion who was a man of great influence and wealth, was so humble that his eyes and heart were opened to recognise the Divinity of Jesus.
He knew Jesus is the Son of GOD!
Ah! What a blessed life he lived.
No wonder Jesus marvelled at his faith when he said, “only say the word and my servant will be healed”.
Those words expressed not just faith but complete trust in God’s Word and the Power of His Word to heal.
Yes, indeed! GOD’s Word has absolute power to heal perfectly!
Our GOD, JESUS CHRIST, THE ETERNAL WORD is a miracle worker!
Our God, the God of Heaven is not a magician! That plays tricks, now you see, now you don’t.
Everything He says and does is eternal, because He alone is the Eternal One.
So today, let’s take the limits off Jesus.
Let us take the limits off the Word of God!
Let God be true and let every contrary voice or report be a liar in Jesus Name. Amen!!!
God of all creation, I come prostrate at Your feet to acknowledge that YOU ALONE are LORD of all.
I worship, praise and exalt Your Holy Name.
I thank You for restoring me to perfect health.
You have done things, worked miracles for me beyond all that I could ask or imagine.
Thank You that Your healing is perfect in all ways and in every area of my life.
LORD I am satisfied with Your love and I am grateful for Your help.
May I forever humble myself before You and rest lovingly in Your love all my days.
Thank You for Your goodness to me, I am truly grateful.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
13 Sep 2021