With all your heart

Jesus said to him, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.

Matthew 22:37

To love You my GOD is the greatest commandment.

But not just to love You with a dull, passive, love.

My call and Your call to me, is to love You with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind.

This means that I should be on fire with love for You.

And yet LORD, how often I fall miserably in this calling.

And if my heart or soul or mind should ask me why You require this of me, then my response back to each is, “why not?”

“Why not, o my heart? For how can you love anyone more than the One Who has loved you with everything He has?

Why not o my soul, how can you love any less the One Who died, offered His Own life in exchange for you. Yes, Jesus died to save You oh my soul.

Why not, o my mind? For in what or who else can you find such perfect beauty as in the One Who is the Creator of beauty, itself. And if you choose to meditate on anything at all, why not meditate on the beauty of all His blessings to you?

Oh such a blessed command from You LORD, not for Your benefit, but for my good!

Again, You give me all things, even the instruction to love You with my all, for my good!

Thank You so much LORD!

And at this particular time o LORD, I’m drawn in particular to the call to love You with all my heart.

Yes, my heart o LORD needs to be filled with Your love. Me loving You with my all.

So LORD with all that my heart is now and forever, I love You completely.

Confirm, establish, restore, renew, revive and settle my heart perfectly in Your love.

I trust completely in the help of Your Holy Spirit to love You perfectly with all my heart.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my

20 Aug 2021

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