21 Jesus said, ‘If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’
Matthew 19:21
The verse from today’s Gospel is from the conversation that Jesus had with the rich man who wanted to know how to possess eternal life (Matthew 19:16-22).
For this man, whom Jesus loved (as referenced by Mark 10:21) his particular challenge was letting go of his worldly possessions.
He loved God and had served God all his life.
So Jesus, Who is the only one that sees deeply into our hearts, knew exactly what the man required to attain eternity.
I really do find this verse challenging each time I read it. If I was the rich young man, what would have been my own reaction?
My desire of course is to act like Matthew and abandon all for the sake of following Christ. But would I really have had the courage to do so?
Even now, in my current state and season of life, what is God asking me to do for the sake of attaining eternal life.
Of course we’re saved by grace and not works, but still we need to co-operate with the action of grace in our souls to purify our hearts from anything that can hinder our perfect union with God.
This was why in the book of Judges (2:11-19), the Israelites often strayed from God, because they had surrounded themselves with temptations to sin and had easily fallen into the sin of idolatry.
In our time, idolatry is present and also disguises itself in various ways that we need the discernment of the Holy Spirit to deliver us from its tyranny.
Let us pray for a deeper searching of our hearts by the Spirit of the Living God so that He can expose all that hinders our eternal calling and bring us His saving help.
If this is what this man needed LORD Jesus, for You know all things, what do I need?
Come into my life today and reveal to me what You require of me.
I feel You tugging at my heart and asking me if I were the only one to stand, would I still stand, for You and for the truth of Your Gospel.
LORD I need superabundant grace. For this season and for this moment and for all my life.
I say “yes” LORD with Mary Your Mother, I say “yes,”.
May her own “yes” resound endlessly in Your heart united with mine so that mine may be expounded in her love for You and superabundant grace would flood my heart and life to overcome.