“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are the skins; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.”
Mark 2:22
Reflecting on today’s Gospel and Jesus’ comments about new wine poured into fresh wineskins makes me realise how desperately I need the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the LORD and giver of life!
He is the new wine that we need to revive our hearts and our feeble minds.
Only by the graces bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit can we truly become fresh wineskins.
I Corinthians 6:19 tells us that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit.
This means that our bodies are the wineskins into which Jesus wishes to pour in His new wine – His Holy Spirit.
Our job is to keep our bodies pure – as St Paul says – to glorify God in our bodies.
Today, let us ask for this special grace again.
Where we have disobeyed or rebelled against God or acted in stubborness of heart following our own ways, let us truly ask the LORD to help us repent.
Let us also repent for family, loved ones, friends, the Body of Christ and the whole world – for each of us have gone astray, each following his/her own way, and we need to return again to the LORD with truly contrite hearts.
Draw me nearer, nearer Blessed LORD to the cross where Thou hast died.
Draw me nearer, nearer Blessed LORD, to Thy Precious bleeding side.
Have mercy on me o LORD for I am the most wretched of sinners.
Rebellion, anger, unforgiveness, sorrow and despair have creeped into my heart and I knew it not.
Thank YOU for the Light of Your Holy Spirit Who reveals everything that is hidden in darkness and transforms all into Your marvellous Light.
God Almighty at the foot of Your Throne, I bow down in repentance and ask for Your mercy.
Have mercy on me o LORD, have mercy on my family, have mercy on my home, have mercy on Your Church, have mercy on the world.
Take away all iniquity from us and fill us with Your Holy Spirit.
We need Your Holy Spirit o LORD so please send Him to us – to heal, restore, renew, revive, revitalise, reinvigorate and retrieve from the hands of the enemy of our souls all that has been stolen from us.
Holy Spirit of God, we need You.
We implore You Holy Spirit, come now, come as You wish and revive us again we pray.
Thank You LORD!!!
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my love.
20 Jan 2020