I keep Yahweh before me always, for with him at my right hand, nothing can shake me. So my heart rejoices, my soul delights, my body too will rest secure.
Psalm 16:8-9
How great is our GOD!
As I pondered this message and thought of what the Holy Spirit was saying, on what it means to “keep the LORD always before me”, I had an experience that led to a deeper undestanding.
As soon as I started to write up this message, my son walked in with a single slice of fruit loaf bread.
I heard in my spirit, take it from him, so I did.
My plan was to eat the bread.
However, I was also conscious of the need to wait quietly before the Holy Spirit so that He could inspire what I write.
Then I had a sense to eat and write at the same time, almost like having a meal in communion and conversation with the LORD.
Now, this in itself is a delightful thing to do and should be cherished.
BUT there was one caveat, I had the deeper sense to fast from food until I had completed writing what the Spirit of God was inspiring in me.
As these thoughts started to rise, I immediately recalled in my spirit the temptation that Jesus had especially with regards to bread.
I was inspired with the exact words He said to rebuke and resist the temptation of the devil. And came to see the direct similarity with His temptation and what I was experiencing.
So, I said out loud, “It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”
As soon as I said these words, I received new strength to put the slice of bread aside.
The Holy Spirit immediately brought me to understand that this is what it means to keep the LORD always before me.
In my situation, I recently heard this Gospel message of Jesus’ temptations and the Holy Spirit stirred it up to work when I needed it.
So as we journey through our days, let us make it a habit to stay in harmony with God’s Word and the ever abiding Presence of His Holy Spirit.
Dear Spirit of the Living God, precious Holy Spirit, we welcome You into our hearts today. We acknowledge and acclaim that You are God Most High, the Almighty and none compares to Thee.
I present myself before You o Holy God, that You may truly become my Companion, Guide and Counselor in my journey of life.
As I say this prayer, I also bring before You my family, friends, all Your people everywhere pleading for Your grace, mercy and blessings upon them all.
Remember us o God in Your unfailing love and keep us always steadfastly seeking Your Face.
As we keep You always before us, let us never be moved in Jesus Name. Amen!
Thank You Holy God for You are working great and powerful things in our lives and our entire existence experiences Your manifested glory day after day until we see You as You really are.
All glory, honour, praise and thanksgiving be to You, God Most High, now and forever!
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
14 Nov 2021