
Although she is alone, she can do everything; herself unchanging, she renews the world, and, generation after generation, passing into holy souls, she makes them into God’s friends and prophets; 

for God loves only those who dwell with Wisdom.

Wisdom 7:27-28

The Book of Wisdom which is found in the Catholic edition of the Bible, is such an incredible revelation.

It reveals the depth of the mystery of Wisdom.

In this book, we see Wisdom personified and we ultimately come to understand that Wisdom is indeed the Person of our LORD Jesus Christ.

Yes, indeed, Jesus is the Incarnate Wisdom of the Father Who embodies the Spirit of Wisdom.

So today’s reading tells us that Wisdom is unchanging, can do everything, renews the world, is present to every generation and passes into holy souls, making us friends of God and prophets!

Alleluia! What an awesome revelation and great consolation.

This means that every child of God is blessed with the Spirit of Wisdom. After all, Jesus Christ lives in us.

So, why are we unaware of this great gift most of the time?

For me, I think it’s because I’m not consciously thinking about Wisdom day in, day out. If only I made the desire for Wisdom my aim in life, I would be filled with all the fullness of God in fully manifesting this virtue.

So today, let us ask God to give us an even deeper insight and outpouring of His HOLY SPIRIT and gift of Wisdom.


Dear Father, I come in thanksgiving to You for Your wondrous love and mercy towards me and all that is Yours.

Who are we LORD that You are mindful of us? And yet You love us with a love soooo great that You gave your Son for us in atonement for our sins, and as a ransom for our lives.

Ah, Father, Your love is too great and we are sooo grateful! THANK YOU GOD!

And so therefore Father, we have confidence today to approach Your Throne of Grace to ask for mercy and favour from You today.

Show us Your mercy Father and pour out Your Spirit of Wisdom upon us. Yes, God we need Your Wisdom for today, to prevail.

Give us such an abundant outpouring of Wisdom from Your Throne that our lives may become perfectly pleasing to You.

This is our desire and what we ask Father, and we are confident that You have answered us as we pray in Jesus Name.


Thank You, Heavenly Father for Your great love towards us! We love You with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength. Amen!

Always & Forever,

To The Lamb,

With all my

11 Nov 2021

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