Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, Thou hast commanded thy precepts to be kept diligently.
Psalm 119:2, 4
What does it mean to keep God’s testimonies?
Keeping God’s testimonies, means holding closely in my heart what God says.
I treasure His promises deeply by pondering on them, recalling them to mind, and trusting that He fulfils every word that He has spoken.
To be sure partakers of these promises, we have to believe and receive from God.
Every word He has spoken into our lives, personally or collectively,
His assurances through the Bible,
The covenants, promises, self-sacrifice that we have taken on for His glory,
Today let us be assured, and rest in the assurance that God hears us and answers us always.
He loves us and wills for us even greater things than we can ever wish ourselves.
He is the Supreme Creator of the highest heights and the deepest depths, He knows all the treasures of Heaven and Earth above all else.
And is willing to share them in abundance with us as He has promised in His holy Word, so He will do.
So, Father God in confidence we ask that You release Your abundance to us.
Help us to believe and receive.
Let Your blessings abide with us always as we place all our hope in you.
Thank You for Your graciousness and love towards us.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
07 Mar 2020