I… heard a voice saying to me, `Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’ And I answered, `Who are you, Lord?’ And he said to me, `I am Jesus of Nazareth whom you are persecuting.’
Acts 22:7-8
Today the Church celebrates the conversion of St Paul.
What struck me as I reflected on St Paul’s testimony of his conversion in Acts 22 is the prophecy of Ananias concerning him.
In Acts 22:15, Ananias (who was a Christian in Damascus sent by Jesus to minister to Saul) prophesied to Saul,
for you will be a witness for him to all men of what you have seen and heard.
Ananias was prophesying that St Paul would witness to “Jesus of Nazareth” to all people.
This is incredible when we think about how this is being fulfilled.
Because Saul not only witnessed to as many nations as possible that were on the earth during his time through his travels – but his writings have also inspired countless of Christian’s through all generations.
In essence God’s words to Saul who later became St Paul is being fulfilled through all ages.
How powerful are God’s words!
I’m sure St Paul hearing the prophesy of Ananias would never have imagined the breadth of impact his calling would have especially since he was not even among the 12 apostles of Jesus.
But God chooses to work in the way that He alone knows best. As He alone pleases!
How about us?
How is Jesus of Nazareth calling us to proclaim Him?
Have we held back because through our eyes we see our ministry as little and profiting not many people?
I know I have.
But today I repent and confess my doubt to You Lord Jesus!
Let us come before God asking for His mercy and grace and strength and a heart of humility to obey Him completely as St Paul did.
LORD Jesus, today I come before You with a sacrifice of praise. Thank You for renewing Your Word in my life as I meditate upon it.
Today LORD You show me that the conversion and subsequent missionary work of St Paul is for my benefit.
And so I in turn need to pour out Your presence upon the world and proclaim Your Name to the nations.
I’ve been an obstinate messenger like Jonah, but no more LORD.
Today LORD Jesus, I repent.
Take me and heal me;
Cleanse me and feed me;
Revive me and use me.
I surrender all to You Most High God Living and True, forever and ever!
Let Your Holy Name – Jesus of Nazareth – be proclaimed through my mouth and my words to all generations until You come again in Your glory!
Alleluia!!! Amen!
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
25 Jan 2020