Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in thee my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of thy wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfils his purpose for me. He will send from heaven and save me
Psalm 57:1-3
Today we meditate about what it means to take refuge in God.
Our world is busy and full of motion. The crowded scene all around us often means that we can very easily forget that God is with us, right beside us.
The psalm today is from King David, when he fled from Saul and hid in the cave. He professed that he took refuge in the shadow of God’s wings.
Amazingly in 1 Samuel 24:3-21, we see that as David and his companions hid from Saul in the cave, God led Saul into the same cave to rest and sleep.
Saul did not realise the presence of David in the cave. And David’s companions persuaded him to take revenge on Saul who was after his life.
However David refused and declared that he would not lay his hands on God’s anointed.
Wow! This is so profound!
David who himself was already anointed as future king of Israel did not set himself up in pride against the existing king.
He refused to establish the time of his kingdom with his own hands and chose rather to wait for God.
Consequently, God rewarded him.
Saul repented immensely when he woke up and realised that David had spared his life and he proclaimed,
1 Samuel 24:19-20
This shows that when we humbly submit ourselves to God’s protection, He will never fail us and will cause even our enemies to favour us and bless us.
David sang a song to the LORD
I love You o LORD, o LORD my strength
I love You o LORD, o LORD my strength.
LORD God like Your servant and son David, we come LORD and take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings.
For You are our shelter, our helper, our mighty defence, our great victory.
Thank You for the countless times You have kept us safe from harm and all evil and even caused those who were at odds against us (because we bear Your Name) to bless us and favour us.
We forgive all who have wronged us deliberately or without intent.
And we ask forgiveness of all whom we have offended deliberately or unintentionally.
Give us grace to reconcile with those You wish for us to be reconciled and bless us with peace all around our borders, in our Church, in our families, in our homes and deep down in our hearts and souls.
Thank You God for hearing us.
In Jesus Name we pray!
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
24 Jan 2020