And he told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, lest they should crush him; for he had healed many, so that all who had diseases pressed upon him to touch him.
Mark 3:9-10
The Gospel tells us that everywhere Jesus went, He went about doing good.
The love of Jesus was so profound that people were attracted to His compassion and care.
His power to heal was a manifestation of His love for those who were sick or bound under the influence of the devil.
Jesus healed every disease and set free those who were possessed and oppressed.
Today in our time we need to go back to the Gospels again and again and remind ourselves of Who Jesus really is.
There is so much oppression of evil in our world and sickness and we need to recall that Jesus alone has mighty power to save!
He is the healer!
Jesus is the deliverer!
Jesus Christ is our compassionate LORD!
And each time we simply turn to Him for help, He heals us as He alone is able to save.
Praise God!
Praise You Jesus, most compassionate LORD!
I thank You for You help us in our weakness o LORD!
And now Jesus we simply come and place ourselves at Your feet.
Yes LORD, we need Your mercy and compassion.
Heal me o LORD, deliver us o Jesus. Save us o God!
For You alone are mighty to save and we put all our trust in You.
Thank You God for we simply come today and cast ourselves at Your feet.
Do with us as You will, merciful Saviour.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
23 Jan 2020