Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the LORD imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Psalm 32:1-2
The LORD is truly gracious and merciful.
We see His mercy revealed in the scriptures over and over again.
In 2 Samuel 24:16 we see the mercy of God taking over His righteous judgement.
In earlier verses, we read that David had sinned by conducting a census of the mighty warriors in Israel.
By doing this, David was essentially relying on the might of the army to save them from their foes, rather than the might of God.
David repented quickly and when God’s just judgement came, he chose to fall into God’s mercy.
The judgement of God was overcome by His mercy!
How great is our God!
So merciful towards us His creatures.
That He loved us so much to make us in His image and likeness, and then sent His Only Begotten Son to die in our place.
Today let us call deeply from our hearts for the LORD’s unfailing compassion and mercy.
Most Holy Father, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ we worship and adore You.
Holy Father we thank You for Your eternal mercies towards us.
As long as we have breath and even into eternity, by Your mercy’s sake, we will praise You.
Thank You for showing us Your deep mercy and forgiveness of all our sins.
Thank You for redeeming us by the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Thank You for translating us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of YOUR dear Son.
We love and praise YOU forever and cannot thank You enough with the words of our mouth.
To YOU be praise and glory, now and for all eternity.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
05 Feb 2020