God is with us

A Virgin is with Child

Look! the virgin is with child and will give birth to a son whom they will call Immanuel, a name which means ‘God-is-with-us’.

Matthew 1:23

The prophecy God gave through Isaiah in chapter 7 verse 14 of the Book of Isaiah, is repeated today by the angel of the LORD to Joseph, husband of Mary.

But this prophecy is not simply repeated, it is confirmed through the mouth of the angel.

When Mary was visited by the archangel Gabriel with the Good News that she had been chosen to become the mother of the Saviour, she said “yes”.

This “yes” was laden with a lot of uncertainty about how her current situation would pan out, but filled with complete trust and confidence in God’s providence and omnipotence over all.

As such when an existing situation in her life, her marriage to Joseph was threatened by this news, God went to work on her behalf and sent His angel to directly deliver the same message to Joseph.

As I pause to consider this, it occurs in my mind that I doubt that Mary prayed that particular prayer (e.g. O God, send Your angel to Joseph to vindicate me!)

But God sees and God knows all things! And our God is a God Who is rich in mercy (Ephesians 2:4).

So because Mary had simply abandoned herself to His complete will, He rose up mightily to act on her behalf and on behalf of His Own Eternal Son!

The message that strikes my heart today is this, “surrender and let God“.

The moment we do this, He will surely act on our behalf and on behalf of His Word which we have embraced, demonstrating His omnipotent power over all that concerns us.


God Almighty Father, You are rich in mercy!

Today Father, first of all I want to say “thank You” for all the marvellous and infinite ways You have shown me Your mercy, throughout my life! Thank You GOD!

Without Your mercy, I would have been consumed in darkness and in the shadows of death.

But Your mercy saves, Your mercy heals, Your mercy redeems, Your mercy makes all things beautiful.

And so Father God, I surrender myself entirely into Your will. Take Your place in my life, overcome all my struggles for me and grant me Your Divine victory.

Above all Father, be glorified always in my life, with Your Eternal Son our LORD Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

As we celebrate and look forward to Christmas in the coming days, make our joy resound with the angels and saints in Your Your Heavenly Kingdom as we sing “Emma-nu’el”.

Yes, You o God are with us and our hearts rejoice in Your love forever.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

18 Dec 2020

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