Your light must shine

No one lights a lamp to put it under a tub; they put it on the lamp-stand where it shines for everyone in the house.

In the same way your light must shine in people’s sight, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:15-16

What stops us as Christians from radiating the Light of Christ?

Can we search deep down into our souls to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden blockers to our light?

In my case, the Spirit of God has revealed to me that “self” is my blocker.

What does “self” refer to precisely?

It refers to my false perception of who I am and how important or inferior, I am.

You see perceptions of importance or inferiority are hindrances to achieving God’s perfect will.

This is because, the ultimate focus of these perceptions is “me” rather than God.

It is an undeniable fact that God created me and sent me into this world for a specific purpose and mission.

Since that is the case, how can I now not trust Him to fulfil His purpose concerning me?

Is His hand too weak to fulfil His plans?

Or can anyone contend with the might of His strength?

No one can equal God.

He has purposed to do, He will accomplish!

So it is left for me to surrender myself into His holy care and purpose and plans.

If “self” is also your obstacle, I invite you today to ask the Holy Spirit to help you abandon yourself completely into His hands.

Let Him take control of your life.

If the Holy Spirit has revealed another obstacle, take courage by running into God’s loving arms and ask Him to help you overcome whatever limitations may be blocking your light from shining fully in His world.


Holy Spirit recreate me.

Holy Spirit thank You for revealing Your Truth to me.

I now surrender all to You, Holy God come have Your way.

Let me be the Light that You set on fire, and shine through all the world.

Let me be ablaze by Your Holy Fire and Power from on High.

I say “yes” to all Your will.

And I abandon my cares to You.

Let my cares become Your cares…

And Your cares become mine.

Alleluia! Holy God have Your way!


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

09 June 2020

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