You are Peter

Simon Peter said in reply,
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Jesus said to him in reply,…

“And so I say to you, you are Peter,
and upon this rock I will build my Church,
and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” – Matt 16: 16 – 18

On this Feast Day of the Chair of St Peter, we remember Your words Lord, to Your apostle Peter.

When You asked Your disciples who people thought You were, there were different ideas mentioned.

However, when You asked them the same question in relation to themselves, only Peter was given the revelation from The Father and gave witness to Who You really are.

And so, You blessed him with a new covenant blessing.

It reminds me of the blessing mentioned in the Old Testament, as given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

But this blessing You gave to Peter was even more powerful, it was the real deal.

It was and remains the blessing that comes with the New Covenant which You have fulfilled in Your Blood.

It is an eternal sign of promise, that conveyed on Peter the authority over Your Church.

It came with the everlasting seal that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Your Church.

Even so Lord, in our time, it seems like this Promise of Yours has been lost.

But can we actually lose the Promise of God? NO! NEVER!

It is just as You reminded us two days ago in the Church’s reading from the book of Isaiah, that Your words shall never return to You void, but accomplish the purpose for which You have sent it.

Alleluia! Holy Lord! Alleluia! Amen!

Lord, we believe, and we receive Your promise.

Even in our Church today, the sign of that eternal promise is made visible in the successor of St Peter.

And as in the days of old, You transferred the covenant on from Abraham, to Isaac, and Jacob,…and even unto Your servant David, so also in our time, Lord, You transfer the covenant on from Peter to his successors until the end of time.

Lord, we acknowledge Your goodness and Your mercy,

And today in a special way, Lord, we pray for Pope Francis and even his predecessor and his successors to come.

Make them holy Lord, as You are holy.

Make them open to Your Holy Spirit.

Help them to accomplish Your will, only, in all things.

And may their lives be perfect reflections of Your goodness and mercy, and of the covenant that You have conferred upon them.

That Your Church throughout the world may be strengthened by their leadership and worship You alone through all ages, Who are God, Living and True. AMEN.


Always and Forever,

To The Lamb,

With all my love.


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