The Father is with me

Listen; the time will come — indeed it has come already — when you are going to be scattered, each going his own way and leaving me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

John 16:32

The LORD was speaking to His disciples prophetically about what was going to happen at the point of His betrayal by Judas and arrest by the soldiers who were sent to bring Him in for trial.

The comfort that Jesus had to face the incredible loneliness that lay ahead of Him, was knowing that the Father was with Him.

This knowledge of the Father’s ever abiding Presence and Faithfulness to stand with Him all through His trials and even death, strengthened and consoled Him.

Today, a lot of us are isolated and feeling alone.

That feeling of loneliness is often exacerbated when there seems to be a looming fear of evil.

Today, the LORD is assuring us that

  • He is with us and the Father is with us
  • No evil shall befall us, neither shall any disaster come near our dwelling (Psalm 91)
  • To come to Him with our heavy burdens and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28)

So now, right now, in these times especially, now more than ever before, let us be assured of God’s ever abiding Presence with us, His unfailing care and faithful compassion towards us, and His great love that shelters and keeps us safe from all harm.

Let us praise the Name of Yahweh for He is good and His mercies endures forever.


LORD Jesus, You are good and Your mercies endures forever.

We give You our praise and thank You for Your love and tender mercies towards us.

Thank You for the Father’s faithfulness towards us, as He is walking with us always and will never leave us nor forsake us.

Oh hallowed be Your Holy Name, Almighty God – the Eternal King.

All glory, honour, adoration and majesty be unto You! Amen!

Your faithfulness my GOD is forevermore and I know that I can depend on You.

Thank You God.

You have done it in the past, You are doing it again – miracles and mighty signs and wonders beyond all telling.

God Who created everything is Who You are.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

25 May 2020

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