Take up my cross

If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me… For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? For what can a man give in return for his life? 

Mark 8:34, 36-37

Today’s gospel reading is a poignant reminder of what it means to truly be a Christian.

The emphasis of sacrifice and becoming one like Jesus our Master Who lay down His life by accepting death on a cross to save us is our meditation for today.

In my life what does it mean for me to take up my cross – as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter of the Most High God?

It means I have to deny myself daily a ten times over to attend to the needs of my husband, my children and to serve the household of my Father.

It means I daily have to offer my pains, joys and frustrations up in gratitude and supplication for God’s Divine mercy to transform me more to become like Him.

“What can a man give in return for his life?”

This question of Jesus is so startling because the answer is nothing.

Nothing of our own!

The only ransom we can give in return (exchange) for our lives is the Sacrifice that JESUS HIMSELF paid on the Cross of Calvary.

That is the only price that can suffice for our redemption! Nothing else!

Oh, how amazing the love of God for us!

How merciful His marvellous love!!!

No wonder JESUS warns us to proclaim His goodness saying “if we are ashamed of Him in this world, He would also be ashamed of us before the Father and His angels.”

This is a most frightful warning!

Let us take heed, let us cry out to GOD for mercy, boldness and grace to proclaim Him in this life to the ends of the earth!


LORD Jesus our GOD, have mercy on us!

We cry out to You for mercy LORD for we could never bear witness to You except by YOUR Holy Spirit’s power at work in us.

Give us grace o LORD to be proud of You in this life so that You also will be proud of us when You come in the Father’s glory.

We repent of taking our faith and redemption forgranted!

We repent of pocketing the news of Your Gospel and burying it deep within our hearts but never allowing it to shine out from our hearts even through our words to the whole world.

Jesus we repent!

Speak LORD once again to the world and use me! Use us LORD! Speak through me! Speak though us!

Deliver us from sloth and selfish love and pour into our hearts a fire for the redemption of souls!

That that fire would burn so deeply and transform us into fervent apostles of YOUR Gospel.

Father we ask all this in Jesus Name!


Let there be a revival LORD and let it start with me!

Always & Forever

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

21 Feb 2020

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