And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven
Matthew 16:17-19
Today, the Catholic Church throughout the world celebrates the Feast of The Chair of St Peter.
Why is this feast important?
Before I answer this, I have to confess my mental and emotional disconnect from the Petrine Ministry in recent years.
I’m confessing this plainly to You LORD for I ask Your forgiveness and need YOU to heal and restore me.
A lot of Catholics have fallen massively into this same manner of disinterestedness.
We’re no longer interested to hear what the Pope says.
Non-Catholic are brethren have long held this view since the physical separation of our Churches, but today, oh today, I feel strongly in my heart that the LORD Jesus is calling us all to stop this obstinacy!
Yes, for surely that is what it is!
If it has pleased the LORD Jesus Christ to give the keys of His Kingdom to one of His apostles as a sign of his leadership for the rest of His flock, what is it to us?
Why are we so quarrelsome over this fact?!
Which of us by our noble arguments or refusal to obey St Peter’s office can change God’s mind?
What He has done, He has done and it is settled.
The Church belongs to Jesus CHRIST and He sets over it whom He wills.
On my part I must repent, today, I choose to repent!
Rather than being disinterested in the message of the Pope because I may not fully understand or find some conflict in his messages, I just bow my head low and raise my heart to God The Holy Spirit, and ask HIM to inspire the successor of St Peter with His Truth.
This is my role. This is our calling!
Let us all again return to the truth of unity with the successor of St Peter, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
He needs our prayers! He has asked for our prayers.
If the devil is mad at us, for following the path of Christ, how much more madder is he at Peter and his successors.
If Jesus prayed for the faith of St Peter to be strengthened, we also should join our great High Priest in praying for the faith of the successors of St Peter to be strengthened.
May the LORD GOD encourage us as we do His will.
O LORD how deep is Your conviction to me today!
Thank You GOD for shaking me off my bonds of disinterest and freeing me by Your Holy Spirit to love and commit myself again to the Office of St Peter!
LORD I am grateful!
Do the same for YOUR Church throughout the world, that we may become perfectly one in love, in You and The FATHER so that what separates us shall no longer exist in Your bond of love and unity.
We pray for the Pope. St Francis strengthen him in Your Truth – Your Word is Truth.
Empower him by Your grace to set his eyes only on Jesus.
I pray for Pope Emeritus Benedict who showed us the way of perfect love by sacrificing the Office for another – remember him for Your Eternal reward.
For all future successors of St Peter, I pray that YOU LORD Jesus by the POWER OF YOUR HOLY SPIRIT will begin today to raise them up!
Build them, inspire them, teach them, strengthen them, lead them, guide them, position them at every point and moment in their lives so that they are always where You want them to be.
As YOU lead them on their journey of Divine Priesthood with YOU.
Father, I ask all this in Jesus Name.
Always & Forever
To the LAMB,
With all my ❤
22 Feb 2020
Happy Feast Day LORD Jesus, for the Church belongs to You. ???