And the LORD came and stood forth, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for thy servant hears.”
1 Samuel 3:10
The LORD called Samuel when he was still a child serving Eli as he ministered in God’s temple.
When God called him, he had yet to learn God’s voice. However he was blessed to have Eli discern God’s voice on his behalf and instruct him on how to answer.
Samuel answered God’s call and the LORD revealed to him things to come. The bible testifies that all Samuel said as revealed to him by God, came to pass.
In our lives too, the LORD calls us and most times we fail to discern His voice.
Today let’s ask for the Spirit of God to help us discern His voice and give us the grace to humbly answer His call, listen to His voice and follow His path for our lives.
Holy Spirit of God fall afresh upon us we pray.
Fill me o God with the indwelling of Your presence.
Forgive me when I falter and make steady my feet again on the straight path.
Hold me close to Your Heart precious Lord Jesus and speak clearly to me.
Let me discern, hear, obey and follow Your voice.
You say Your sheep hear Your voice and follow You and I’m Yours LORD so I choose to follow You.
Have Your way LORD, live, dwell and reign in me now and forever.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
15 Jan 2020