And they went away in the boat to a lonely place by themselves.
Now many saw them going, and knew them, and they ran there on foot from all the towns, and got there ahead of them.
Mark 6:32-33
St Mark recounts an episode in the life of Jesus and His disciples after He sent them out two by two, to preach in all the neighbouring towns around them.
After the disciples returned, they testified of the miracles that were wrought through their ministry.
The LORD took them on a boat so that they could rest and as they were leaving to be by themselves, people saw them and started running ahead of them.
The scriptures indicates that the people knew where Jesus and His disciples were going, and running there on foot, they got there before Jesus and His disciples arrived.
Where are we running to?
Are we running towards Jesus to meet with Him?
Or are we running away from Jesus?
You see the people in today’s gospel reading had witnessed the Divine Love of God.
Those who had not witnessed it personally, had heard reports of Jesus and they wanted to experience the truth for themselves.
So they all ran to Him.
And they were not disappointed!
Whoever runs to Jesus will never be abandoned.
So today, let us start running to Him.
For those of us who have been running and now feel tired, let us keep running to Him.
Isaiah 40:31 assures us that, those who wait on the LORD shall… run and not grow weary.
God is our assurance! Therefore, let us keep running the race of holiness and eternal salvation that we may receive our inheritance of Eternal Life with God.
Most loving Father, through Your Son Jesus Christ, I praise and glorify Your Holy Name.
Thank You that You are GOD Most High above all.
We surrender our lives to YOU today again, proclaiming our love for YOU.
Teach us o God to run the race of salvation relying completely on the Power of Your Holy Spirit.
For there, where Jesus is with You Father and the HOLY Spirit is where we want to be, and live and abide in forever.
Strengthen us LORD for this race and keep us firmly always on the path that leads to You.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
08 Feb 2020