He then opened their minds to understand the scriptures,
and he said to them, ‘So it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead,
and that, in his name, repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
You are witnesses to this.
Luke 24:45-48
Imagine what it was like as a disciple of Jesus, on the day of His Resurrection.
In the morning, feelings of terror and horror which linger on from the night before are immediately mixed with feelings of confusion and amazement, as you hear the stories of Jesus’ resurrection from the women who saw Him.
The feelings are overwhelming as the day draws longer and nothing seems to happen.
You’re silently wanting to see the LORD like the women did.
Then suddenly Cleophas and the other disciple make an unexpected return from Emmaus and announce they have seen the LORD.
Their message confirms what Peter said to them too.
The excitement now is unimaginable and as you all discuss this with a renewed joy and gladness, Jesus appears in Your midst.
He didn’t knock on the door to be let in, He simply appears.
Wow! His body has taken a new form that passes through the physical. His pre-eminence in their midst is made manifest in a new, fresh and most powerful way.
Now they truly see Him as LORD in all HIS GLORY and they are marveled at His splendour!
His LORDSHIP over all which they believed as He walked with them on earth through the eyes of faith, they now see manifested before their eyes.
How awesome is His glory!
Then He opens up your mind to understand the scriptures concerning Him – about repentance of sins and salvation through Him.
Finally, it all makes sense! It all falls into place!
LORD, I am desperate for YOU to manifest Yourself in my life in a new, profound and most powerful way.
Yes LORD, You are the GOD of all power and I want to experience profoundly Your power in my life and the life of my family; in the life of Your Church and Your world!
Manifest Your glorious power LORD.
The enitre world needs your power today! So LORD, please, do not delay.
Show Yourself as You really are!
Transform our minds and hearts so that it all makes sense and it all falls into place.
We trust You! And praise You! And exalt You forever for Your glorious love and Resurrection.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
16 Apr 2020