Philip and the Ethopian eunuch

Source: Freebibleimages

He ordered the chariot to stop, then Philip and the eunuch both went down into the water and he baptised him.

But after they had come up out of the water again Philip was taken away by the Spirit of the Lord, and the eunuch never saw him again but went on his way rejoicing.

Philip as one of the seven deacons appointed to support the apostles in their ministry, was full of the Holy Spirit.

He was led by the Spirit to a desert road where he met an eunuch reading the prophet Isaiah.

The passage was from Isaiah 53, the suffering Messiah.

Philip explained the passage to the eunuch, after which he baptised him.

I find it so fascinating that immediately after the baptism, the Spirit took Philip away and the eunuch saw him no more.

How did this happen?

If we ponder this, really ponder this, the Spirit physically transported Philip by His supernatural power.

Wow! How incredible is God’s power.

The more we ponder the Acts of the Apostles between this season of Easter and Pentecost, the more we see that God manifests His power without limits using people like us!

Oh how I long more for His power!

That He may have His glory through me.


Holy Father, I want more of Your Holy Spirit.

In my life LORD, I have limited my vision of Your power.

In our time LORD, we do not understand the fullness of Your glory.

We have failed to grasp the truth of Your gospel, and no longer preach it in all its fullness.

When we do LORD, we fall prey to self-pride and self-glorification and sometimes sadly manipulation.

Yet still LORD, still, there are so many of Your people who are full of Your truth and love and power, yes LORD, even in our time!

So please LORD, I humbly ask You, forgive me my sins and weaknesses and strengthen me for Yourself.

Raise up more people like Your holy apostles, the holy women and deacons and many more faithful disciples of yours.

Make me faithful in the power of Your Spirit.

Thank You God for hearing us.

In Jesus Name.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

30 Apr 2020

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