Obedience to God

In reply Peter and the apostles said, ‘Obedience to God comes before obedience to men’

Acts 5:29

When we are faced with the tough decision of choosing the path of Christ or being rejected by people, which do we choose?

That’s the situation the apostles found themselves in today.

For them, there was simply no compromise.

Jesus had given clear instructions to spread His message to the ends of the earth, and they were convicted that they were to obey Him alone.

I’m sure at this point of their lives, all the instructions Jesus gave them while He was on earth with them, resounded in their hearts and minds.

Jesus instructed them, “not to be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather to fear God Who can throw both body and soul into hell”. Matthew 10:28

He forewarned them about persecution.

On the Sermon on the Mount, He said, “Blessed are you when men persecute you…on my account…for your reward will be great in Heaven.”

No wonder they were unflinched by the persecution of the temple’s authorities.

They saw it as their moment and opportunity to obey God.

We should bear in mind though that the apostles despite their best intentions could not endure persecution on their strength.

They needed the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We know this as they all (except St John the Beloved) deserted Jesus when He was arrested and put to death.

In the upper room, where they waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit, the door was locked for fear of persecution.

However when the Holy Spirit came upon them, everything changed.

Even when Peter and John were released from jail for healing the lame man at the Beautiful Gate, the disciples had to pray for a renewed Spirit of boldness to preach the Gospel – Acts 4:23-31.

If this is true of Jesus’ closest brothers, how much more do we need an infilling and refilling of the Holy Spirit to obey God.


Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and enkindle in us the fire of Your love.

Today Father God, we tap into the prayers of the apostles as we ask for boldness to preach the Gospel of Your Son Jesus Christ, with signs and wonders following.

Yes LORD, we need Your HOLY Spirit.

We cannot do with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.

We cannot live or move or breathe without Him.

How much more then can we testify to Jesus Christ Your Son without the Holy Spirit.

So Father God, today, have mercy upon us and send down Your Holy Spirit to us in the Name and for the sake of Your Holy Servant, Jesus – Your Anointed One.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

23 Apr 2020

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