My birthright, my cup is Yahweh; you, you alone, hold my lot secure. I bless Yahweh who is my counsellor, even at night my heart instructs me.
Psalm 16: 5, 7
In today’s reflection, the Psalmist writes about a truth that if we deeply ponder upon, has the power to change our perspective on life.
He says that God is his birthright. Another rendition states, “God is my portion and my cup, He alone mainteneth my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places delightful indeed is my inheritance.”
Wow! So what does this mean?
Simply put, it means that before God formed me in my mother’s womb, He already had a plan for my salvation and not only that, He already made provision for the life that I need to live on earth.
God is my eternal inheritance.
Yahweh is my Saviour and Redeemer Who counsels and instructs my heart even when I sleep.
The question is whether I am able to hear Him when He speaks to me.
How do I listen for His voice and recognise Him when He speaks?
How can I relax and trust in His loving kindness towards me?
It is only by grace and perfect docility to the Holy Spirit that all this is possible.
Dear LORD Jesus, I come before You with praise and thanksgiving for Your eternal love and compassion towards me.
Thank You for Your abundant provision which You made available to me even before You sent me into this world.
Oh, how I worship You Holy Father.
Please pour out Your Spirit upon me, to confirm me perfectly into the image of Your Son, my LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Thank You for Your peace, power and protection.
Thank You for Your Holy Anointing that breaks every yoke and unties every knit/knot of evil in our lives.
Through Mary Most Holy, I praise You God – now and forever! Amen!
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
13 Junr 2020