It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.
Luke 15:32
In the parable of the prodigal son, the LORD Jesus, shows us the Father’s unconditional love for all His children.
The son who wandered and squandered his father’s goods, after demanding a share of his inheritance, returns home contrite after he faces the hardships of the world.
The father rather than rebuke him, restores him to his original place of glory in his household.
Understandably, the elder brother who was heartbroken at his younger brother’s attitude to their father and family is mad!
He doesn’t hide this but shows his indignation at the Father’s unconditional acceptance of his son’s return.
The father explains why mercy was required by comparing his younger son’s situation to that of being resurrected from death to life.
This is indeed our true situation, when we turn away from sin and return to God, our lives are truly resurrected from the dead.
Therefore sin is no trivial matter that we should ignore or be complacent of.
This was shown clearly in the life of the younger son.
He had gained the whole world; riches, fame, friends, pleasures, everything was at his disposal.
And yet his soul suffered a deep loss.
Luckily this suffering happened while he was still on earth and had time to “come to his senses”.
Today, let us take time to reflect for the grace to “come to our senses”.
Let us truly repent of any form or shadow of sin in our lives.
Let us ask God to give us the grace of humility to return to our Father’s house and receive for His mercy.
As a Catholic writing this, I am convicted about my need to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, today!
May God strengthen His grace in our lives.
Holy Father, You are most holy and most loving.
I give You all my worship.
Thank You for convicting me of my complacency and spurring me with the zeal for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
I make haste Father, to return to You and not be far from my Father’s House.
Give me grace o God and transform my life by Your Spirit’s power.
In Jesus Name.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
14 Mar 2020