And many more believed because of his word. They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”
John 4:41-42
In John 4, we read about Jesus’ encounter with the woman of Samaria.
In fact the encounter was more on the part of the woman who met her Saviour through that experience.
She was what we would probably term in our time, “a sinner”, and yet, Jesus loved her and called her.
This kind of attitude of our LORD is really baffling!
Let’s really think about it.
As Christians, how many of us would be comfortable to sit down and start a friendly conversation with someone who we knew already married 5 times, and was now living with a boy/girlfriend?
I know I won’t.
In fact I’m more likely to act like the pharisees and snub the person, or like the disciples and ignore the person.
This is because there is a tension of managing a relationship with someone who is living in a state of sin and sharing a message of conversion with them.
Let’s face it, we struggle to share the message of Jesus even with other believers – we don’t want to appear “preachy”.
Then when we meet someone whose lifestyle we know isn’t pleasing to God, we either turn “super preachy” or take flight or ignore.
Jesus didn’t do any of these three options.
He showed us a fourth path.
The path of building a relationship through trust.
He came to her with a need of His own and sought her help.
This opened up the path to a conversation.
Though He didn’t have any real need of her drink, and knew that she was the one who really needed to drink from Him, He humbled Himself and asked for her help.
The ensuing conversation opened her eyes to see and understand Who He was and in turn she proclaimed His message to others.
This is surely the path to proclaiming the Gospel of our LORD and eliminating the tension that arises in our hearts – which we mentioned earlier.
Today let us follow the example of Jesus Christ.
Let us allow Him teach us His ways, so that as we open ourselves to Him, He will pour out His love in abundance into our souls.
LORD Jesus, You are the way, the truth and the life.
Today we humbly ask You LORD for the grace to love You and follow Your example of preaching the Gospel with love.
Open our hearts with love to know that You saved us even whilst we were yet sinners and so we have no righteousness of our own.
You are our only Righteousness and for this we truly love You LORD.
Thank You for YOUR grace to live again in Your love and be strengthened to proclaim Your Word.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
15 Mar 2020