Living waters

As a hart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God?

Psalm 42:1-2

I find waterfalls to be the most fascinating beauty of nature.

The image of living waters, that flow from rock(s) and fill the land with an abundance of life is truly breathtaking.

With waterfalls it’s the dynamism of the water, always gushing forth with power and strength and yet never threatening.

As I meditate on this, I’m reminded of Ezekiel 47:9, that talks about a river that gives life to everything, wheresoever it flows.

As Christians we know that ultimately this river is the Holy Spirit.

In John 7:37-39, Jesus makes this clear when He invites all who are thirsty to come and drink (rivers of living waters) from Him.

He promises that as we believe in Him, we also will have rivers of living water flowing from within us.

I am so excited!

To think that what I consider as the most beautiful gift of nature is also possible spiritually and I too can become a spiritual waterfall in Christ!

Yes, LORD!!! YES!!!

Until today, I have never really understood this message like this.

And just as the natural waterfall never asked to be created, but God created it as a thing of beauty for His own good pleasure…

So God will do with us.

Building us into spiritual waterfalls for His own good pleasure, if we come to Him and drink.


So today, I surrender completely to You Jesus and ask You to make me Your spiritual waterfall.

O yes LORD Jesus, make me Your most powerful, beautiful, glorious, gentlest and most humble waterfall, flowing out of YOU the Eternal Rock.

I thirst and come to You to drink.

Fill me up LORD!

I believe! Transform me Jesus, according to Your WORD.

And as a waterfall is never extinguished but lives from generation to generation as an everlasting testimony to Your glory, so may I never be extinguished!

Thank You God for this incredible desire and understanding that can only come from YOU.

Here I am LORD, in YOUR mercy and great LOVE, have Your way in me.

Preserve me o God, I take refuge in You.

(Through Mary our Mother, Sancta Maria Mater Dei, ora pro nobis!)


Thank You LORD.

Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

16 Mar 2020

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