Knock and it will be opened

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 

Matthew 7:7-8

Today, I want to ponder on what it means to knock.

To knock on a door means usually that you want the resident’s attention.

When Christ says we should knock and it would be opened, what does it really mean?

He goes on to talk about our Heavenly Father giving good gifts to His children.

So that means for Christ, the door He wants us to knock on is our Heavenly Father’s door. The door to His home.

Now that we know which door, how about why? Why are we knocking?

Are we knocking so that we are invited in?

Or perhaps we’re knocking so that we receive gifts as we stand on the threshold of the door.

My why is so that I am invited in.

But I don’t want to be invited in just as a guest, to feast or rest or live for a short while or even long stay.

I knock so that I am invited in by my Father, and so that I enter into my Father’s House as His child. As a permanent resident of His home, to live, and eat, and rest and work and delight in His Presence forever.

I knock as a member of the family of God.

And I don’t come on my own, like Queen Esther who entered the King’s presence interceeding for her life and the life of her people, I too, bring the people God has entrusted into my care to live forever in our Father’s House.

Oh how glorious then is this promise of Jesus, that when we knock, it shall be opened.

Today, dear family of God, let us knock on our Father’s door confident He will open it, honouring the words of HIS Son.

And as He opens it, let us rejoicingly enter with all the people we have come with and bring to Him.

Our Father is super abundantly generous, let us take great advantage of His magnificent love towards us.


O my God, how magnificent You are.

My Father, You always love us beyond all telling.

Today, I understand anew the message of Your Son to me.

Father God, I knock that You may answer the door and open it unto me.

As You o God have now opened the door, Heavenly Father, in gratitude I enter into our home with the rest of our family that you’ve asked me to bring.

Here we are Father.

Assign us our rooms, please.

Give us our full heritage in You.

Fill us with all Your goodness and lavishness of Your house.

LORD Jesus, none of this would have been possible without You.

So in eternal gratitude, we bow down and worship You and thank You forever and ever!

Blessed be our God Most High!

Both now and forever!


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

05 Mar 2020

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