God of Abundance

Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise! – Psalm 95: 2


How awesome are You LORD

How awesome are You LORD

Most High God

How awesome are You Father

How awesome are You Redeemer

How awesome are You Holy Spirit

Most High


Thou art worthy

Thou art worthy o Lord

To receive glory, honour and power

For Thou hast created

All things and for Thy pleasure

They are and were created


All the glory must be to the LORD

For only He is worthy is our praise

No man on earth should give glory to himself

All the glory must be to the LORD


Christ is Lord

He is Lord…Amen

He is risen from the dead and He is Lord


Every knee shall bow

Every tongue confess

That Jesus Christ is the LORD


ALLELUIA, Jesus is the LORD

Jesus is the LORD





Lord Jesus, we just come into Your presence with everlasting songs of praise!

For You alone are God Maker of Heaven and earth and all that abounds within!

You are the God of ABUNDANCE!

Forgive us the times we’ve acted like the Israelites who were sent to scout the land overflowing with milk and honey, and complained about the giants in the land.

If I haven’t reached my destiny that You have promised me, it’s because I have failed to hearken to Your Word like Joshua and Caleb and instead have looked at the giants around me or in the land that you’ve promised me.

But now Holy Father I say NEVER AGAIN!

I will no longer look at the giants in fact, I no longer see any giants, I only see the great abundant provision of God waiting for me to take on NOW!

And today, oh Most Holy Merciful Father I ARISE and take charge of my heritage and the abundance of land that You have given me.

Perfect love casts out fear. And I confess today like Caleb, I am well able, we are well able to take on the land.




Always & Forever,

To The Lamb

With all my ❤

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