Jesus gazed at them, ‘By human resources’, he told them, ‘this is impossible, for God everything is possible.’
Matthew 19:26
How we need the anointing of God.
The outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon our lives to break every yoke and lift off impossibilities (infact, eliminate is the word) – yes, for the Holy Spirit to eliminate completely, forever, every impossibility in our lives.
There is nothing God cannot do! I believe this and I confess this.
Into my situation and circumstances, I decree the omnipotence of God Who alone is the Almighty.
He is the One Who made Heaven and Earth and all that is within them, every living being has received breath from the One True Living God!
Alleluia!!! And this is the same GOD that we worship and proclaim as LORD over our lives and situations and circumstances.
And proclaim Him that He may reign, that He may receive pre-eminence, that He alone may receive all our worship.
For Jesus Christ alone is the LAMB Who was slain and Who rose from the grave, and gives us grace in His new life in The Father’s glory.
And so we decree what Jesus has said, that for God nothing is impossible.
Yes, Holy Father, in the Name and with the Word of Your Son Jesus Christ, I decree and I declare into every situation of my life that for GOD nothing is impossible.
So let the Living GOD reign in my life. Every aspect of my life, I consecrate to His dominion and majesty and glory.
You are the Eternal One and nothing has life apart from You, so please fill me with Your life and Your Spirit, fill me with the Power of Your Breath and bring every dead situation that needs to live into life in my situation and circumstances.
I decree and declare that with You o God, nothing is impossible. I agree with Your Son Jesus and this declaration HE makes into my life this day and I say, “YES!”
“Yes, LORD, have Your way as You wish, that all glory, majesty and praise will forever be Yours alone.” Amen!
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my heart
18 Aug 2020