You did not choose me, no, I chose you; and I commissioned you to go out and to bear fruit, fruit that will last; so that the Father will give you anything you ask him in my name.
My command to you is to love one another.
John 15:16-17
God commands us to love another.
The Gospel today, reminds us that Jesus has chosen us to bear fruit.
It is when we bear fruit that lasts, that we can ask the Father anything in the Name of Jesus, and it will be granted to us.
How does this all tie together?
For me, what I’m beginning to understand as I ponder this message is that love is the ultimate fruit that we can bear.
Love is the ultimate fruit that will last.
Love never ends.
Therefore Jesus is saying to us that the person who bears the gift of love, has the confidence of getting their request granted by the Father.
Why is this?
Because the Father knows that such requests, whatever they are, will only be made out of love.
A request made out of love bears no ill will and so is completely conformed to the will of the Father.
In particular let us remember that the Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of Love.
As Romans 8:26 says, He helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us according to the mind of God. Therefore the Father grants the desire of the Spirit.
Therefore when we want to pray, let us implore the help of the Holy Spirit to intercede for us and speak to the Father on our behalf.
Holy Spirit of God, I implore Your Holy Presence and aid to speak to the Father for me.
Help me, even now, in my weakness.
Remove from me anything that is displeasing to You.
Purify me and strengthen my heart, mind and soul.
Fill me with Your goodness, love and mercy and transform me to be completely conformed to Jesus my LORD.
Thank You God for in Jesus Name I pray.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
14 May 2020