Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. – Luke 11:4
Today is Ash Wednesday, which is the start of the season of Lent in the Church throughout the world.
Lent is a time, when we come with childlike trust to our Father, and to our merciful Saviour as we remember their self-less act of love to save us from sin and deliver us from evil.
So, as we begin this season of Lent, we remember the words of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
In the “Our Father”, Jesus teaches us to ask our Father for forgiveness of our sins, and wrongdoings, and failings. All of these things make up the term ‘trespasses’; where we have fallen short of the glory of God.
As I reflect on this phrase, “fallen short of the glory of God”, my eyes fill with tears, because I truly realise my sinful state. I realise that though I may have no obvious sin, yet in many ways and at many times than I can count, I have failed my Lord. I have failed my Saviour. I have not reflected His glory, or His power, or His love, or His kindness, or His goodness, or His tender mercies, or His infinite patience.
I have been selfish, uncaring, unbothered, uninterested, unwilling,
And now the word, unwilling, pierces my soul – for it expresses my true state of disobedience.
How I’ve failed you Lord, by being disobedient to Your voice, and Your commands.
Lord, I repent.
Please forgive me, Lord, I ask for your mercy.
As I ask for mercy Lord, I pray for abundant grace to forgive all those who have offended or “trespassed” against me.
Help me to let go of the hurt in my conscious and subconscious mind, letting them all flow into the rivers of your mercy…
Lord, I pray also, that during this season of Lent, you will renew my family; renew our Faith Lord. Renew my parish Lord; and please Holy God, renew Your Church throughout the world.
Forgive us all, our individual and collective sins, our obvious and non-obvious sins, our intentional and unintentional offences, our historical and current wrongdoings.
Forgive us, Lord! We pray… In Your mercy.
Forgive us, Lord! We implore… Remember Your mercy.
Forgive us, Lord! We cry… Pour Your mercy.
Have mercy on us o Lord, and in Your great Love, grant us Your saving help.
In Jesus Name. AMEN.
Cast us not away from Your presence, O Lord, and take not Your Holy Spirit from us, restore unto us, the joy of Your salvation, and sustain a willing spirit within us. – Psalm 51: 11 – 12.
Always and Forever,
To the Lamb.
With all my love…
on St Valentine’s day 2018
also Ash Wednesday 2018.