Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me. Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 16:24-25
LORD Jesus, today I turn to You the Saviour of my soul. My Salvation, Jesus, I adore You!
You not only save my soul for eternity but here in this life, You show me Your unfailing love and mercy and heal every infirmity of my body, mind and spirit.
So here I am LORD. Yeshua, I come to You for healing.
I have no words to speak, so I simply turn to You and trust that Your grace will carry me.
Fill me o GOD with Your goodness and let Your Holy Spirit carry me and anoint me in Your Presence.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
30 Aug 2020