How rich and deep are the wisdom and the knowledge of God! We cannot reach to the root of his decisions or his ways. 34 Who has ever known the mind of the Lord? Who has ever been his adviser?
Romans 11:33-34
Right now as I ponder on this verses, I am deeply consoled.
I see the LORD ministering mercy and renewed Grace’s upon my life and I choose to receive all.
If and since God is the LORD of all wisdom and knowledge then surely it means that He bestows these gifts on whom He will, for His own good pleasure and purposes.
So here I am LORD, desperately lacking deep and rich wisdom and knowledge and yet coming as a miserly beggar to You.
Have mercy on me o LORD and transform me from my current position of wretchedness to one of real humility, and rich and deep wisdom and knowledge.
Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon me and do such a work in me so that all who see it or hear of it would say this is the kind of wisdom and knowledge that can only come from God.
And let me too make bold in perfect humility to acknowledge and proclaim that such wisdom and knowledge that You have given to me, has been shared with me from the lavishness of Your bounty.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
23 Aug 2020