For our sake he made the sinless one a victim for sin, so that in him we might become the uprightness of God. As his fellow-workers, we urge you not to let your acceptance of his grace come to nothing. As he said, ‘At the time of my favour I have answered you; on the day of salvation I have helped you’; well, now is the real time of favour, now the day of salvation is here.
2 Corinthians 5:21-6:2
Today is Ash Wednesday and our Lenten journey begins.
Come Holy Spirit, please open my heart to Your Word, that I may understand what You are saying and dispose myself to do Your Will. Amen.
Today’s scripture talks about how God made Jesus (the sinless one) a victim for sin, and urges us not to accept the grace of God in vain.
Jesus has paid the price for my salvation, your salvation and the salvation of every soul that has ever lived and that will ever live.
Oh Lord, to think that You paid so high a price! And yet souls have been lost and many still are being lost for eternity.
Oh my Jesus, may Your death and Resurrection never be in vain in my life. But I don’t only pray for myself LORD, I pray for my family, friends, Your Church and all people. I pray for hardened hearts, for those who don’t know You and those who won’t give You a chance.
I deeply pray for myself, that the plank in my own eye, You may take off so that i can see clearly to take the splinter from the eyes of my brothers and sisters, and preach Your Gospel of salvation to them. Use me LORD Jesus to save souls!
Today is the day of salvation, so I turn and surrender my life completely to You for my salvation and the salvation of my family, friends and multitude of countless souls!
It is by Your favour and power oh God that this is possible, so favour me today with the grace of true repentance for my sins, conversion of heart, and fervour for You – my victim for my sins.
Thank You Jesus for becoming the Victim for my sins and the sins of the whole world. Amen!
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With my ❤
02 Mar 2022