And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well; he even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.”
Mark 7:37
Today’s reflection is from the Gospel of Mark, chapter 37 verses 31-37.
When Jesus came back to the Sea of Galilee from the region of Tyre where He had healed a woman whose daughter was possessed by a demon, as He traveled, they brought a man who was deaf and dumb to Him.
This healing encounter with Jesus is particularly striking.
As part of the healing process, Jesus put His fingers into the man’s ears and then spat and touched his tongue, before giving the command of “be opened”.
It makes me ponder, LORD Jesus what were You doing?
Help me to understand Holy Spirit.
To understand what Jesus was doing in this healing encounter, I too need my ears opened to hear.
I need my tongue loosened to speak.
So LORD Jesus, here I am. Touch my ears, spit (give me Your words), and touch my tongue that it may be loosened to speak Your Truth.
The Gospel says the people proclaimed that You o LORD Jesus had done all things well, when they saw the miraculous healings You had wrought.
I too have seen the miraculous healings You have wrought in my life and in the lives of my loved ones and I proclaim that You have done all things well!!!
Blessed are You, GOD forever!
The LORD God of all creation!
Who Alone from everlasting to everlasting art God!
For in forming man, You gave us of Your life giving Spirit and poured upon us new wine, grace and oil for anointing. Proclaiming freedom from every sickness and disease.
You touch our hearts, minds, souls and spirit that we may forever glorify Your Holy Name.
Thank YOU Almighty Father God for You have done all things well for us, through JESUS Christ Your Son!
We praise and glorify You forever, Holy Lord GOD Almighty.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
14 Feb 2020