If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
As Christians throughout the world move into the season of Lent in a few weeks, I woke up this morning with a conversation from the LORD about His Church returning to Holiness.
As a Catholic, I particularly felt the LORD was calling me to pray for the forgiveness of sins of His BODY THE CHURCH, and for her repentance and return to holiness.
The conviction was sealed by this scripture I received in my spirit from 2 Chronicles 7:14.
The LORD is in a particular way calling Catholics during this season of Lent to rise up from our slumber and intercede in repentance for His Body The Church.
The sins and trials and terror that have befallen the Catholic Church in recent times through the rebellion of our hearts which turned away from GOD has broken hearts, lives, and contradicted the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ which we preach.
Yet in the midst of this there is light for healing and redemption if only we repent.
We have entered a new dispensation where we can either be completely destroyed as a Church or completely transformed as a Church.
The LORD is calling us to walk with Him and work with Him to bring about the transformation that He alone can give.
So today as we listen to His voice, let us not harden our hearts.
Let us also pray for the entire Body of Chriat throughout the world – for a return to Holiness and Unity.
Enough! Enough of our own ways!
Enough of our own ideologies!
Enough of our personal victories at the expense of the Body of Christ!
Let us unite and give God alone the praise!
And worship, and exalt Him as He alone has paid the price of (redeeming) His Church.
Let everyone of us beware and tremble then before His great majesty! For the price of redemption that has been paid is a privilege and not a right, and only in true contrition of heart and a life of holiness completely returned to God, can we receive fully our promise of eternal life with God.
What would it profit a man if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul?
At a time like this, when we come together from the east and west, from the north and south, when we gather together in the Name of Jesus Christ, o LORD arise and shine!
Today Father, we heed Your call to enter into this coming season of Lent with a true spirit of repentance and prayer.
We heed Your call to return to You and seek Your Face.
Let the radiance of Your Holiness shine upon us we pray.
Redeem us, save us, transform us into Your loving kindness as we lift up our hearts to You in supplication.
We’re sorry for our sins and wicked ways and repent. LORD Jesus, we repent!
Thank You for Your promise of restoration and healing and conversion.
In Jesus Name.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
15 Feb 2020