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And what I say to you I say to all: Watch. – Mark 13: 37

Yes, Lord. I hear Your Word and my Lord, I long to watch.

But what does it mean to watch, Lord?

What does it really mean to watch?

Does it mean spending more time in prayer?

Does it mean staying awake at night?

Does it mean spending time with you in Church?

Or maybe at home in silence?

Or does it mean having You in my heart all the day long?


Lord, I long to watch.

But I feel so frail…

I feel so afraid…

That I may fail…

To do Your will…

To watch and pray…

Please give me zeal…

That I may not stray…

And fill me with grace…

To trustfully follow Your way…

Until I see Your Face…

On that Day.


Thank You Lord for I know You’ve heard and You’ve answered me, my Lord and my God. AMEN.


Always and Forever,

To The Lamb

With all my love

Your child.

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