Jesus said to him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and went his way.
John 4:50
Today’s Gospel is a strong reminder to us about the power of Jesus’ words.
A man whose son was very ill, met Jesus and asked Him to heal his son.
Jesus only had to speak and immediately the healing power of God was made manifest in the man’s son who fully recovered.
The man on his part, believed Jesus and went on his way upon receiving His word.
Now more than ever before, as the Body of Christ, we need to hone in on the words of Jesus as revealed in scriptures.
What has Jesus said to us?
Psalm 23 is a super clear declaration for us: “The LORD is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.”
Psalm 91 says, “He will deliver you (us) from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence;
He will cover you (us) with His pinions and under His wings you (we) will find refuge;
His faithfulness is our shield and buckler.”
Therefore, now more than ever before, I believe what the LORD God has said.
For His promises are true and His mercies are new every morning.
I believe it, and I decree it, speak it forth into my life, into the lives of my loved ones, into our lives, into the world.
What GOD has said is, “by the stripes of Jesus we are healed.”
As disciples of Jesus, we receive His authority and spoken word, to
It is SO – because Jesus has spoken it.
He created the world by His Word, and brought life to all.
Now He, the Almighty God, has spoken His Word today into our lives and it is established forever.
Because He alone is I AM.
Today, let us give Jesus a mighty shout of praise for He sent forth His Word and healed us and delivered us from destruction (Psalm 107:20)
Most loving Saviour, You are the Divine, Eternal Word of the Father.
You speak life into existence.
Today Jesus, we are listening for You.
Begin to speak into our lives in a new way like never before.
Speak healing Jesus.
I receive healing and decree Divine Health in our minds, spirits, souls and bodies.
Thank You for declaring Your rest into our lives and beings.
We rest and take complete solace in You, Holy God, Living and True.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
23 Mar 2020