…but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:26-28
The example of Jesus, is a call to serve.
In this account of St Matthew’s Gospel, the disciples were displeased with James and John, the sons of Zebedee because their mother had sought Jesus to give them high places of esteem (at His right hand and left hand) in His Heavenly Kingdom.
Jesus of course, did not consent to this request, saying it was for His Father to decide.
This response should make us pause and reflect.
Our LORD surely had all authority in Heaven and on earth, and could have made the decision Himself. All He had to do was tell the Father His desire and if anyone has merited to ask anything of the Father, it is Jesus.
Yet, even in this, Jesus humbled Himself and subjected Himself to the Father’s will.
This example should really inspire us to surrender our wills completely to the Father.
He know what is best for us always! No exceptions!
Then Jesus goes further to use Himself as an example for the disciples to follow.
Demanding of them (and us!) to become servants and slaves of one another.
In our lives, sometimes the call to serve is shunned and frowned upon.
Parents who care for little ones, children who care for their elder parents, are often overlooked and misjudged.
The call for independent living and living a zestful life often masks the truth of sacrifice, the sacrifices we have to make to care for the needs of others.
So today, if you’re caring for children or elder parents, or are in any form of caring responsibility, be assured that God appreciates your efforts and sacrifices.
The world may not acknowledge or repay you for your love, but God in our LORD Jesus Christ Who lovingly demands that we follow His example, knows.
Jesus will reward us all as we follow in His footsteps daily.
Dear LORD Jesus, today we pray for all those who are caring for others in need, giving up their time and lives in sacrifice.
Father from Your Throne of mercy, bless us all with super abundant grace to carry on with great love and devotion.
Let our hands and hearts not grow weary as we demonstrate the example of Christ to our families, loved ones, friends, neighbours and all those we serve.
Protect especially those who serve in dangerous circumstances and deliver them from every evil.
Let the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ cover us all as we shine the Light of Christ to all those we meet.
Thank You Father for hearing us as we make our prayer in Jesus Name.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
11 Mar 2020