But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.
Mark 4:20
Today Jesus speaks to us about the call to fruitfulness.
In the parable of the sower, he invites us to bear fruit, fruit that would last.
The LORD talks about are 4 types of ground on which the seed of His Word is sown.
The path – The devil snatches up the Word as soon as it is sown.
Rocky ground- the Word thrives in the life of the individual for a while, but as soon as temptations and tribulations come (on account of the Word), these people give up.
Thorns – the Word is choked by the cares and desire to obtain the riches of this world.
Good soil – the Word rests and abides and thrives as it’s found a habitable home. Here the Word of God grows and waxes strong, and yields fruit in abundance.
The question for us today is
Which soil are we, or which soil are we becoming?
Dear LORD Jesus, thank You for sending Your Word into our hearts.
LORD I see that I at different points in my life, I have exhibited the traits of the path, rocky ground, thorns, and good soil.
In particular LORD, I confess struggling with the tendencies of rocky ground.
I hear Your Word, hold fast to it and run, and in the face of tribulation on account of that same Word, I falter and give up.
And yes LORD, the struggle with being overwhelmed with the cares and acquiring riches of this world is a constant battle.
Set me free, LORD Jesus!
Forgive me LORD, this weakness of my mind and heart and strengthen me with Your fortitude for Your Word’s sake.
Bless me with the abundance of graces that I need to become good soil. That I may bear fruit in hundredfold.
Thank You LORD for hearing me.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
29 Jan 2020