God's glory is revealed in His Church

Divine Glory

The LORD bless you and keep you: The LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. – Numbers 6: 24 – 26


1st January 2020! Oh surely GOD is good!

Like the psalmist in psalm 124 I say “had the LORD not been on our side…”

Had the LORD not been on our side in 2019, we would surely have perished. But blessed be the Living God Who always has His people in mind and keeps us from all harm and surrounds us with His abundant mercy and love.

Now we have entered into 2020 a New Year and a New Decade! Glory to GOD!!!

I meditate this morning LORD on the theme of Your Divine Glory.

You instructed Moses in the Church’s reading from today (Numbers 6: 22 – 27) that the priests should bless your people with specific words.

I ponder especially LORD on the words, “the LORD cause His Face to shine upon you.”

Holy Father what does this mean? What does it truly mean for Your Face to shine upon me, upon my family, upon Your Church?

Lord in this year 2020 and for the entire decade ahead, manifest this blessing in our lives beginning now in Jesus Name! Amen!

Lord I ask because I catch a glimpse of the purpose of this blessing from psalm 67: 1-2.

The psalmist cries out, “O Lord be gracious to us and bless us and cause your face to shine upon us that thy way may be known upon earth and thy saving power among all nations.” 

So Lord Jesus the purpose of Your Divine Glory – Your Face shining – upon us is so that we may reflect Your ways and power upon all the earth.

It has nothing to do with us LORD, it is all about YOU Jesus!

Alleluia! AMEN.


Almighty Father in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ we come before You this day and thank You for Your goodness, tender mercies, loving kindness and faithfulness towards us. For we rejoice in Your salvation and gift of this life and eternity with You.

Today Lord I specifically ask for Your Face to shine upon me and my family and Your Church throughout the world.

As we journey through year 2020 and the rest of this decade, merciful Father restore all that the locusts have eaten and the enemies of our souls and salvation and joy have stolen from us. Father restore ALL beginning this moment in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ and grant us a fresh beginning in the Light of Your Glory.

Let Your Glory rest perpetually upon us this year and throughout this decade Holy Father, so that once again our transgressions are completely forgiven and we have the power and grace to walk in holiness and tender compassion before You and all the peoples of the earth.

Shine Your Face on us o God that through us Your ways may be established on earth and all people see Your saving help! That the peoples may praise You o GOD! That all the peoples may praise You!!! In Jesus Name Holy Father we pray.

And pour out Your Spirit upon us o Holy Father, even the Spirit of Your Son Jesus Christ send Him to dwell and abide with us as we could never ask or imagine. 

Come Holy Spirt we dedicate this year and entire decade to You. Have Your Way and reveal Yourself. Come Holy Ghost,  come Lord, come as You wish.



To the Lamb

With all my ❤

Always & Forever

1 January 2020

God's glory is revealed in His Church

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