Let us know, let us press on to know the LORD; his going forth is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.”
Hoses 6:3
At this time, many Christians around the world are facing up to a new reality as we’re no longer able to physically gather together in worship.
A lot of congregations are going online to broadcast Masses and Services.
Thank God for this great alternative!
But there’s a deeper challenge still.
The challenge is for us, individually to remain committed to Christ, in this season.
You see, it’s easier to be strengthened when others around you are there to help.
However when you have to walk or run the race of faith alone, then things take on a whole new level of difficulty.
The truth is that GOD in His infinite Wisdom has deemed this time of trial necessary, for us to return to a personal conviction of our relationship with Him.
Today and throughout this period, for as long as it would last, the challenge Christ sets before us is the individual answer to the question,
“Who do you say I am?” – Matthew 15:16
When Jesus asked this question to His disciples, Peter spoke on their behalf, proclaiming Him as the “Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
For this confession, Jesus established Peter as the rock upon which He would build His Church.
In other words, Jesus gave Peter his office in His Heavenly Kingdom, because he answered.
For a lot of us (including me), like Peter answered on behalf of the disciples, the Church has been answering Jesus’ question on our behalf.
We’ve been comfortable to hide under the wings of the Church so as not to personally answer the question Christ is asking us.
No more!
Now He has allowed all things to be laid bare, and directly standing before us, Jesus is asking me and you, “Who do you say I am?”
It’s one on one now in a real way with Jesus, we can choose to avoid His question and look away, or we can choose to humbly look into His eyes and answer Him:
“You are the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the LIVING GOD.”
We need grace to press on in faith this season. Whether we be alone or in a crowd.
By answering Jesus’ personal question to us, and running into His loving arms, abandoning ourselves completely into His trustful care, we will receive our Heavenly office and above all, the Crown of Life.
O Most Holy Father, You are so good to us.
As Peter couldn’t know Who Jesus Your Son is, without Your revelation, so we too can’t know Him without Your revelation.
Father, reveal and draw us nigh to Jesus Your Son.
At this time, in this place, in this season, for this race, we need Christ.
We need the Power of His love, the Grace of His mercy, the Strength of His Holy Spirit.
He promised not to leave us orphans and to send us the Holy Spirit, saying that it is better for us that He goes (back to You), because if He doesn’t the Holy Spirit cannot come.
Father, this is so profound because I cannot imagine what would have been lovelier than being a disciple of Christ while He walked the earth.
Learning and living and being with Him.
And yet He promises something better through the Holy Spirit.
Father, now more than ever before, Your Church is in need of that something better.
O send Your Holy Spirit LORD, as never before!
Come Holy Spirit of God!
Jesus, remember Your promise and send us (Your Church, Your Redeemed, Your People, Your World) Your Holy Spirit.
Ah now I see it is Your Holy Spirit that we’ve needed since and especially now.
Thank You God!
And so we cry out,
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of all people, and enkindle in us the fire of Your love.
Send forth Your Spirit and new life is created, and YOU shall renew the face of the earth.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
21 Mar 2020