I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.
I will extol you, O LORD, for you drew me clear
and did not let my enemies rejoice over me.
O LORD, you brought me up from the nether world;
you preserved me from among those going down into the pit. – Psalm 30: 1 – 3
The psalmist in today’s reading from Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent, sings praise to God for His mighty deliverance.
Translating the words of the psalmist, the Lord has delivered him from death and restored him to life.
This is a profound reflection on the part of David, who wrote the psalm.
We recall that David’s life was full of many persecutions and trials.
He was persecuted by Saul who attempted to kill him on many occasions, because he was jealous of David.
Later on in his life, his son Absalom rebelled against him too.
So David, understood deeply what sorrow and pain was as he felt terror for his life.
However, at these turbulent times, David always turned to the Lord for help.
He understood clearly his own weakness, and rather than rely on human power and might to save him, David sought refuge in the Lord, his God.
And the Lord, always unfailingly came to his aid, and rescued him, from all his foes.
The psalm is a call for us to reflect on our own lives.
To think about the many ways, the Lord has saved us from danger and death.
The Lord is indeed good and merciful, and when we call to Him in distress, He will save us and rescue us from all our foes.
Merciful Saviour, we rejoice in Your mighty deliverance, which You have demonstrated in our lives.
Indeed my life Lord, is a testimony of Your saving grace.
I rejoice Saviour Jesus, in Your deliverance from spiritual and physical attacks of the evil one against my life and the life of my family.
I praise You Lord Jesus, because through Your mighty hand and outstretched arm, we have been saved and rescued from going down into the pit.
I rejoice in Your saving help, o King of Glory, for when I knew not how to call out to You in my distress, Your goodness and kindness covered me still, and showered grace upon me.
And now o merciful Redeemer, I ask for more of Your saving love, to overshadow us.
Let Your saving help, Lord Jesus, rescue us once again from the temptations, trials and trappings of the evil one.
Let Your saving mercy, wash us clean from all our transgressions and faults, that have opened up the doors to the evil one.
IN the Name of Jesus, I command every evil door shut.
Every evil opening through which the forces of darkness perpetrate their evil works in my life and in the life of my family, I command shut now, by the Blood of Jesus Christ.
I decree that they remain shut forever, in Jesus Name.
I plead the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, over myself, my family and my entire household, and over the Church and God’s people everywhere.
Let the precious Blood of our Redeemer, Jesus, cleanse us, purify us, sanctify us, fill us and renew us.
Let the precious Blood of Jesus, save us from all harm and evil and bring us the fullness of life and healing in our Redeemer.
Thank You Lord for hearing and answering our prayers.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb.
With all my love.