And he said to them, “You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God, in order to keep your tradition! For Moses said, `Honor your father and your mother’
Mark 7:9-10
Today we reflect on what it means to honour our parents.
Honour means “high esteem”, “great respect”.
So to honour our parents means that we hold them in high esteem and have great respect for them.
For many of us as adults the ability to honour our parents sometimes fades out of our lives especially when there’s been disagreement or betrayal in our relationships.
We tend to hold on to the sad memories and hurts which make it difficult for us to stay close as we should to them.
Today the LORD is calling us to repent.
Even when things seem difficult to understand and we don’t know how bruised relationships will heal, let us bring our bruises to Jesus the Healer.
Jesus is the Balm of Gilead Who cleans our wounds and binds up our brokenness.
He strengthens our ability and resolve to love our parents unconditionally no matter what may have happened in the past.
Today let us pray for this grace to love and honour our parents anew!
Let us also pray for ourselves as parents for God to strengthen our hearts with love to be faithful to Him and to our calling as fathers and mothers of His heritage.
Let us love our children increasingly, unreservedly, unconditionally by the Power that comes from the Holy Spirit.
May the Holy Spirit Who is the Lord and Giver of Life transform our hearts with His unfailing Light and Life.
Holy Spirit, LORD of Light
From Thy clear celestial heights
Thy pure beaming radiance give
Come Thou Father of the poor
Come with treasures that endure
Come Thou Life of all that live!
Give us the grace Holy Spirit of God to move in Your Power and Presence to love unconditionally our parents and our children.
Forgive us our selfishness and deceit.
Heal our broken hearts and transform our rebellion into complete humility.
Let our light shine in our families bringing grace, mercy and healing.
You are the Redemptive Power of the Saviour so breathe afresh upon us we pray and renew our live again.
In Jesus Name.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb,
With all my ❤
11 Feb 2020