I will make an everlasting covenant with them, never to draw back from doing good to them; and I will put the fear of me in their hearts, so that they may not turn from me. 41 I will rejoice in doing good to them, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and all my soul.
Jeremiah 32:41-42
What a good, good God we serve!
A song by Chris Tomlin has just come to my mind, it goes like this:
“You’re a good good Father, It’s Who You are…
And I’m loved by You, it’s who I am.”
Wow! This promise of God has blown me away, or better still has blown all my fears away in Jesus Name. Amen!
God says that, He “will rejoice in doing good to us.”
Hear this again, not only does God promise to do good to us, but He promises to rejoice as He does good to us!
For me personally, this is a breakthrough moment because I know that God delights in doing good to me and all that concerns me.
Sometimes as Christians we feel like we have the hard end of the stick, but that is simply not true.
Our God is a good God and He delights, rejoices in doing us good!
So whatever lies of the enemy we have believed or held on to as a result of past experiences or whatever else, God break them to pieces right now in Jesus Name and grant us the everlasting dominion that comes through hearing and believing His word. Amen!
God has spoken and His Word has (already) surely come to pass.
O God of truth! Almighty Father, thank you!
You are unfailing in Your love for us.
Yes, You’ve demonstrated this throughout history and especially in giving Your Son Jesus to suffer and die in my place.
I rejoice in Your love for me.
Today merciful Father, I pray You breakthrough permanently all my limiting thoughts and inhibitions.
I believe that You delight, rejoice, in doing good to me.
So I too, Most Righteous Father, rejoice in receiving ALL Your goodness and love, today and every blessed day.
Thank You God in Jesus Name, be glorified!
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
13 July 2021