If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.
James 1:5
This verse from St James letter, gives me so much comfort each time I read it.
Most times I feel and know that I lack the wisdom I need to fulfil God’s purpose.
I realise reading through the Book of Proverbs that the gift of Wisdom is the gift of GOD Himself.
Jesus Christ is the Eternal Wisdom of God.
So each time we ask God for Wisdom, we’re asking Him for the gift of His Son.
Now I understand why St James says that rather than reproach us for lacking wisdom, when we ask HIM, God gives us freely and abundantly.
Alleluia! How generous is our GOD!
One practical way to grow in Wisdom is to study God’s Word – the Bible.
Let us ask the LORD to increase us in Wisdom and increase His grace in us to love and meditate on His Word day and night, that we may be fruitful for His glory.
Holy Father, I truly lack Wisdom in my life and desperately call upon You to fill my life anew with Wisdom.
Come Holy Spirit of Wisdom and fill my mind.
Transform me God of Truth and Mercy and deliver me from all my terrors.
Help me to trust You and rest in Your loving kindness.
That my mind, heart, my will, and all my actions may be renewed in Your glorious gift of Wisdom.
Thank You Father for hearing me, and answering my prayer.
I ask all this in JESUS Name!
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
17 Feb 2020