Come, let us discuss

“Come, let us discuss this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they will be like wool. – Isaiah 1: 18

What an amazing God we have.

In today’s reading (from Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent), the book of Isaiah, reveals to us the heart of God towards us.

I recall when I was nineteen years old, and read these words for the first time in my Bible, how they pierced my soul.

As I pondered the love and kindness of God, and how despite my obvious sinful state, He was still calling me to Himself, and giving me an opportunity to be reconciled to Him, my heart broke out in tears of love and repentance.

Indeed, this very Scripture verse was the one that changed my heart and convinced me that the Lord could reach me, no matter how far away from Him I had fallen.

Before reading this verse, I had been bombarded with lies from the evil one about how on judgement day, my sins would be displayed before all, and everyone would be scornful of my wretched state.

The fear of this lie, gripped me so much, that it paralyzed me from repenting and turning fully to Christ.

Thanks be to God for His Marvellous Love and Word.

For as Psalm 107: 20 says, “he sent out his word and healed (us), and delivered (us) from destruction”.

And so today as we meditate on God’s bountiful love, and the fact that no sin is beyond His mercy, it’s a cause to give praise and to repent again of every sinful way.

May the Lord Jesus wash us clean again in His precious Blood, Amen.

May He increase His presence and Holy Spirit within us, Amen.

May He reconcile us again with the Father as our Eternal High Priest, Amen.

And may we witness to God’s unfailing love to those around us in need of His mercy, Amen.

10 Some sat in darkness and in gloom,
    prisoners in misery and in irons,
11 for they had rebelled against the words of God,
    and spurned the counsel of the Most High.
12 Their hearts were bowed down with hard labor;
    they fell down, with no one to help.
13 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
    and he saved them from their distress;
14 he brought them out of darkness and gloom,
    and broke their bonds asunder.
15 Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
    for his wonderful works to humankind.
16 For he shatters the doors of bronze,
    and cuts in two the bars of iron. 

– Psalm 107: 10 – 16


Always & Forever,

To The Lamb.

With all my love.


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