Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

Called to serve

Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant;
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave.
Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve
and to give his life as a ransom for many. – Matt 20: 26 – 28

Our world today, places a lot of regard on prestige and power and influence.

The strong are exalted, the weak are rejected.

It is interesting to see that this was much the same even in the days of Our Lord on earth.

Most people (including me) want to be comfortable and live a life where others serve and wait upon us.

In contrast, Jesus presents us with a different lifestyle and set of ideals.

He challenges our thinking and our understanding of prestige, power and influence.

He presents us with His own model, as Lord and Master, … a life of service and sacrifice.

He doesn’t want us to brood over our work and service to others – but to be encouraged as we serve.

He wants us to offer up, the sacrifices and pains and sorrows we experience when serving others, to Him, so that He can use it all for His glory.

It is a difficult call, especially to put into practice in our daily lives, but it is a call that He Himself practiced and lived throughout His life.

It is a call to be humble, and to live simply.

If blessed with riches from Heaven, we are called not to ‘lord’ it over others, but to use those riches to bless others and by doing so, as the Lord says, we would be “storing up treasures for ourselves in Heaven, where thieves cannot steal nor moth destroy.”

Dear Lord Jesus, today we ask for Your Grace to serve.

Give us Your heart o Lord.

To see and serve others humbly, steadfastly, cheerfully, and faithfully.

Let us serve others with a smile on our faces, and love in our hearts.

Give us moments of rest and consolation from Your Throne so that we also may receive refreshing in our service.

Bless us in this life with loved ones and friends, ‘holy helpers’ to accomplish the purpose that You’ve called us to fulfil on earth – whatever that may be.

Strengthen us and inspire us with Your vision and Love.

Wipe away our tears of frustration and pain and fill us with the goodness of Your promises.

As we put others first, let us bring the joy and love of God to them, so that Your Light may shine through us…

And accompany us all into the Everlasting Life and Light of Your Glory.



Always and Forever,

To The Lamb.

With all my love



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